10 Recommended Cloud Performance Monitoring Tools

Cloud performance monitoring tools are necessary for ensuring cloud-based infrastructures are in good conditions. Much like a bike machine, these elements contribute to making cloud computing running well and sustainable.

Cloud performance monitoring tools consist of automated and manual tools to examine and review all apps and services in the cloud system. They contain cloud management strategies to enable administrators identifying errors and troubling patterns. With immediate checking-up, you can solve them shortly before they become big issues.

In the cloud provision market, there are at least 10 cloud performance monitoring tools which can be read below:

1. Amazon Cloudwatch

Amazon Cloudwatch is part of Amazon Web Services/AWS. It is available for monitoring cloud resources and applications in AWS. Using Amazon Cloudwatch can check your cloud system’s health and performance. In addition, Amazon Cloudwatch can be used for examining AWS resource changes and setting alarms, among others. Amazon Cloudwatch is embedded in AWS thereby additional software is not required.

2. Microsoft Cloud Monitoring

As the name suggests, Microsoft Cloud Monitoring is for Microsoft Azure users. It performs similar tasks as done by Amazon Cloudwatch. You can utilize Microsoft Cloud Monitoring for reviewing workload, checking possible security threats and examining log files. Microsoft Cloud Monitoring contains built-in cloud monitoring tools. As customers, you’ll find them so easy to use.

3. AppDynamics

AppDynamics is part of Cisco Systems. Aside from assessing app performance, AppDynamics is useful for making operation shifts running seamlessly. Specifically, AppDynamics is helpful for optimizing cloud apps in IaaS/PaaS platforms, like Microsoft Azure and AWS. Other duties that can be done by AppDynamics are examining business transactions and code level.

4. DX Infrastructure Manager (IM)

The unique side of DX Infrastructure Manager (IM) lies on its intelligent analytics that hugely support its tasks. The feature assists the platform for checking up the cloud performance, discovering trends and patterns and detecting possible security threats.

5. Hyperic

The next platform is under the management of VMware. Hyperic checks up applications running in diverse environments; physical, cloud and virtual ones. Moreover, Hyperic looks at the performance of operating system hosts, middleware and networks.

Deploying Hyperic will provide you with a super comprehensive result. It assesses more than 75 app technologies. So you can imagine how diverse the analytic is.

6. Solarwinds

Solarwinds offers two distinctive advantages. First, it contains database management solutions in addition to cloud and network monitoring. Similar to the previous platforms, Solarwinds is able to examine the performance of applications, servers, storage and virtual machines.

The second benefit is simplifying the process of obtaining insight given by an IT environment. Typically, the environment releases thousands of metrics.

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7. Retrace

IT developers must find Retrace so helpful. The platform is very suitable for developers as it contains more profound code-level app monitoring insights whenever required. Retrace is able to examine app execution, system logs and identify errors. Retrace is also capable of setting top code, which is critical for the developers.

8. Aternity

Dissimilar with Retrace, Aternity is hailed as a great End User Experience (EUE) monitoring system. It’s now part of Riverbed Technology. Aternity is able to handle millions of virtual, desktop and mobile user endpoints. It distinguishes itself by deploying synthetic tests that produce super complete experiences.

The platform imitates the end users’ experiences from different locations. The strategy yields its ability to set page load time and delays, solve network traffic matters and maximizes interaction with the users.

9. Redgate

Redgate specializes in providing services for customers of Microsoft Azure, SQL Server or .NET. If you’re one of the cloud providers’ customers, Redgate is able to do many tasks. It provides real-time alerts for encouraging SQL Server environments to be more proactive. It detects root problems faster and gives reports on the server’s performance.

10. Datadog

The last among top cloud performance monitoring tools is Datadog. It incorporates hundreds of cloud applications and software platforms. You can utilize Datadog to examine and look logs further, obtain alerts on important issues and create good dashboards.

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By |2020-09-11T03:20:40+00:00September 9th, 2020|Blog, Services|0 Comments

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