Cloud computing produces derivative cloud solutions for business. Each of them contains distinctive features that make it uniquely advantageous to the others. Failing to pick up one may cause unnecessary extra cost.

As clients, you’ll have to understand each of them. The phase necessities for formulating operating expenses later on. The knowledge on the most proper cloud solution for business will assist you with potential cloud providers. A win-and-win partnership will be borne out of the scheme.

With that said, here are the cloud solutions and implementations:

Services based on website

The service accommodates for selecting different web functions while at the same time working with existing solutions. The platform contains XMl, UDDI open standards and other languages which enables it to integrate with the existing solutions. Among the service use examples are payroll system simplification and account processing.

Software as a service/SaaS

SaaS refers to an area within a cloud computing that offers access for multiple cloud tenants to a certain application. SaaS is operated by an IT services provider. The provider gives comprehensive and maximum solutions for end-users. The example of SaaS is Office 365.

Infrastructure as a service/IaaS

IaaS embraces more sophisticated features and embraces advanced infrastructures as compared to SaaS. IaaS handles the cloud essentials thereby earns its reputation as the foundation caretaker of your business operation. This is because the IaaS provides access to network functions, virtual machines, dedicated hardware and storage space. Each of them contributes for the foundation, SaaS and other services derived from the cloud.

Our partners, Microsoft Windows Azure and Amazon Web Services, are two popular IaaS providers. They give access to virtual networks, service buses, message to-be-read lists and non-relational storage platforms.

Platform as a service/PaaS

If you’re looking for the type of cloud solutions for business efficiency, PaaS is the right choice for you. PaaS contains hardware and operating systems to utilize and handle cloud applications.

With the main task, you can deploy PaaS to easily handle, plan and sustain your business solutions that are based on the cloud. This makes your cloud operation simpler and time-efficient. The example of a PaaS provider is Windows Azure that supports .NET, Node.js, PHP, Python, Java and Ruby.

Also read: Cloud Workload Mobility for Supporting Your Business

IaaS, SaaS and PaaS are the “houses” for equipment software and applications that work on the cloud. To optimize the cloud computing solution, you’ll need to add knowledge on common deployment models of the cloud.

Hosted cloud

The first model is hosted on the cloud. This option takes up comprehensive cloud deployment elements that cover apps and services. You’ll obtain the complete apps and services while at the same time, have abilities to develop new ones. Similar to SaaS, a managed services provider handles hosted cloud. You’ll be required to pay a monthly fee before using the model.

Hybrid cloud

Hybrid cloud is such a good choice for those of you who want to scale up your business. At one point, you need to migrate to the cloud. On the other hand, you hope to retain the internal system. Hybrid clouds can fulfil the goals. It combines on-premises infrastructure with hosted apps.

On-premises model

Not all on-premises solutions don’t use the cloud at all. In fact, they deploy virtualization and resource management tools. This is what makes the model a private cloud. You can choose the model for creating a frontend interface for clients and would-be customers. They can enjoy accessible portals while maintaining your data confidentiality.

Contact us for obtaining solution and more information about implementing cloud computing for your business