Kubernetes SIG Cloud provider to optimize cloud performance

Kubernetes SIG cloud provider refers to the joining of Alibaba Cloud on Kubernetes system which gives birth to Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The Kubernetes system is now managed by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

One of the SIGs products is SIG cloud provider which aims at providing cloud services around Kubernetes system with standard capabilities. The SIG cloud provider is among 20 SIGs around Kubernetes service so far. SIG Cloud provider Alibaba becomes the only sub-project of SIG cloud provider in China.

Kubernetes SIG contributes to making the Kubernetes ecosystem is evolving in a way that are neutral to all cloud vendors and sets up standards and requirements that are common to all providers. This eventually will create maximum Kubernetes integration. There are seven cloud vendors in SIG cloud provider, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), GCP, Alibaba Cloud and IBM Cloud.

The joining of Alibaba Cloud will enable the company seamlessly work with the other cloud vendors. In turn, this will maximize the cloud-Kubernetes connection in multi-cloud standards.

Kubernetes SIG cloud provider is expected to create the best Kubernetes running environment for Kubernetes developers and users. The result will be seen in Alibaba Cloud open-source plug-ins for Kubernetes.

Furthermore, the functions of Kubernetes help Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) for reusing several components. The system assists research-oriented developers building Kubernetes clusters by utilizing plug-ins. Typical developers can further use Kubernetes system for taking part in the development or open-source components and formulation of RoadMap.

Also read: Getting to Know Alibaba’s Application Management Architecture

Kubernetes and Alibaba Cloud provider mostly work for Slack, bimonthly conference, minutes of conference, Google Docs and YouTube and conference languages in Chinese and English Languages.

Kubernetes is notably known for setting up a standard in cloud-native operating system for applications. Alibaba Cloud, specifically, provides a lot of open-source projects for giving full-stack lifecycle management for user applications.

Among the projects are five underlying categories and five upper-layer categories. The underlying categories are CloudController, computing, storage, network and security. While the upper-layer categories include AI, ServiceBroker, application management, migration and serverless.

Lastly, Kubernetes SIG cloud provider and Alibaba cloud prepares a channel for communicating Kubernetes for individuals and organizations. They can learn how the cloud provider works best then applies what they obtain for adding business values.

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By |2020-08-19T06:23:53+00:00August 19th, 2020|Blog, Services|0 Comments

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