Running cloud optimally must be every cloud project owner’s goal whichever project they work on. With the targeted performance, they will experience effective and productive results. In regards to this, Google Cloud has Recommenders, a family of tools, that can maximize analytics and machine learning.


The optimum performances of the two factors will automatically detect issues and provide optimizations. Upgraded cloud performance is a necessary as your business requires quicker, more secure and more cost-effective scheme. Some of the tools under Recommenders are VM Recommenders, Firewall Insights and IAM Recommender. In addition, Google also equips that with new Recommendation Hub that contains proactive recommendations in one place.


Recommendation Hub is a one-stop place for running cloud optimally because it brings together all of the optimization efforts. You can take benefit from Recommendation Hub, such as by learning Google Cloud in general and taking proper actions based on your project. Moreover, Recommendation Hub will offer you the tools to prioritize, analyse and take actions.


VM Recommenders contain two types that will assist your plan scaling up or down your virtual machine or VM. The types will help optimizing VMs for cost and performance and identifying and deleting (or backing up) unused VMs and persistent disks (PD). The latter will assist adjusting cost as some of the resources are not in used.


Meanwhile, Firewall Insights works as a protector for your cloud environment. Now in beta, Firewall Insights detects and provides easy remediation options for a number of key firewall issues. The matters include unnecessary allow rules, open ports and IP ranges, redundant firewall rules and sudden hit that increases on firewall rules.


While the last point is IAM Recommender that helps kicking off unwanted access to Google Cloud resources with smart access control recommendations. With IAM Recommender, you can expect least-privilege best practices, lowered organization’s security risks and no accidental changes to the data and cloud infrastructure.

Read also: How to Enhance Your Cloud Storage Security

While that seems adequate for running cloud optimally, more Recommenders are expected to hit the cloud market. For example, there will be some features that will come up in Recommender Hub in cost and performance aspect, security, reliability and availability.

For security element, there will be GKE RBAC that accesses and displaces over-granted permissions and security keys that protect high-risk users against phishing through phone-as-a-security-key application.

While for cost and performance, the planned feature of more Recommenders will have compute engine-cross family recommendations and committed use discount (CUD) maximizer. The reliability and availability segment will be helped by new features; compute engine predictive auto-scaling and VPN tunnel for adjusting cost and detecting overutilized tunnels.

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